Is Dribble simply a platform that incites designer snobbery, a badge which so few seem to achieve? Is the true allure and mystique of becoming a Dribble Rookie+ member dressed up in the corporate cloak of ‘it’s who you know’ and not by merit? At it’s core, it’s a simple platform to display work-in-progress and critique/comment on others members work; yet I am obsessed. Dribble had the magic sauce and my lowly status of ‘Prospect’ wasn’t going to let me taste that sweet nectar.

So you’re probably wondering why I’m even making this a big ordeal. To be honest, up until the last month, Dribble wasn’t even on my radar as to my daily routine. I’d occasionally peruse for inspiration, but never delved anymore than skin deep. So I searched to find that button style this, or the layout that, but nothing more than a typical inspiration to push a design forward. However, upon speaking with some designers, I began to realize there was something inherently sexier; actual interaction with other members that made the site incredible. Sounds pretty typical right? Well yes, on the surface it is, but as a designer we CRAVE this attention, and are always trying to better ourselves. For my designer cohorts, getting a draft from a current member became a literal ‘Rushmore’ status of success. They expressed their frustrations and near-hits, but none could stake their claim as an active Rookie member. This is going to be harder than I thought it seems…

Perusing Google revealed a plethora of ‘how-to’ sites and even copy-cats that claimed if you use their service you’ll have a better chance of getting drafted. I plan on taking the more traditional route through networking with designers via Twitter and designer personal blogs.

I would love to hear peoples sauces/failures of getting into Dribble. Here are some basic criteria:

1) Define practices of ‘getting in’
2) Produce alternatives for those frustrated designers
3) Share the draft wealth, if you have an invite =)