Brass Knuckles Brew

Brass Knuckles Brew

PROJECT Local brewery identity for bottles, clothing and other assorted brand materials. SCOPE The basic project scope was simple: create an identity around the brand “Brass Knuckles Brew”. Utilizing an assortment of photo examples and some abstraction,...
Moveable Feast

Moveable Feast

PROJECT Moveable Feast Logo Branding and Marketing Materials SCOPE Working directly with the client (name redacted from designs), the identity begin to take shape. She was looking for a classic and bold design to help bolster her brand appeal. The use of chop-wear...


PROJECT Design app and associated marketing materials for Vsporto, LLC SCOPE Created iOS/Android app with follow up marketing materials. This included, but was not limited to a TechCrunch promotional, advertorials, etc. Additionally, was tasked with creating the...


PROJECT Proactiv(Guthy Wrenker) Media Campaignp> SCOPE Create an email campaign and associated landing pages that increases click-through and drives traffic to current Proactiv landing pages. Twitter ONLINE...


Is Dribble simply a platform that incites designer snobbery, a badge which so few seem to achieve? Is the true allure and mystique of becoming a Dribble Rookie+ member dressed up in the corporate cloak of ‘it’s who you know’ and not by merit? At...